
Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Another completed project that I didn't keep.  Seems to be the way it is for most of the creative people I know.

Have an idea?  Maybe.  Ok, sure.  How do I want to do it?  Not sure, but I'll  figure it out.  Hmmm...Maybe this isn't working.  Ok, let's try it this way.  Finally, ta da!  Sucess.

And so it went for this 28 x 14 pillow cover and bolster.  Strip piecing?  Check.   Envelope pillow closure?  Check.  Find, choose, enlarge, trace, and cut out font?  Check.  Raw edge applique?  Leave that box blank, but it didn't seem too daunting on the difficulty scale.  Use Wonder-Under?  There's a first time for everything.

Ta Da!

This is another item I made for our school's annual fundraiser this past weekend.  Our theme was Sun, Sea, and Sky.  Obviously, I chose Sea.

I love how some of my current favorite fabric lines and older stash pieces coordinate so well together!  There's a little bit of Salt Water by Tula Pink, some Seascapes by Deb Strain for Moda, a couple of Art Gallery's Oval Elements, two pieces of Sketch from Timeless Treasures, another Moda piece - Lovely - by Sandy Gervais, and even a small piece of Lizzy House Pearl Bracelets (it's on the end in cream, so you don't see it in this picture).  

RELAX is the Text print from Peter Pan, and the selvage lists it like this:  "Disney Elements copyright Disney.  Circa 2009 Thomas Kinkade used under license by David Textiles, Inc."  Really, a text that reads "Second star to the right..." was just too perfect for a pillow entreating you to relax.

Now I'm off to make one of these for me.  I like it that much.  

Middle School Free-Form sculptures

Group art projects from the little people classes

Group art projects from the older people classes

Individual art projects, volunteer, and Silent Auction table

Friday, April 5, 2013

QAYG Inspiration

I fell in love with this pillow the first time I saw it.

Newtown Auction Pillow by letseatgrandpa

Pinned it.  Knew I wanted to make one like it.  Just didn't know when.

Our school's Silent Auction and Gala is in two weeks.  The theme this year is Sand, Sea, and Sky.  Perfect.  I'll make something.  What?  Hmmm...  Something small, because, as I said, Gala is in two weeks.  Let's be honest here, no way would I have a completed quilt within a week, even if I wanted to.  So, how about a really cool pillow?

A perusing of Pinterest, my pins and boards, as well as everyone else's, ALWAYS provides inspiration overload.  At any rate, I kept coming back to this pillow.  My style - scrappy, modern, wonky, improv, and best of all, QAYG!  

I haven't tried QAYG, but have wanted to since last October when several of the Scrappy Stash Quilt Along girls did so.

I was just going to wing it - my normal modus operandi - when I happened to check Cori's blog, Let's Eat Grandpa!, the creative one who designed and that pillow.  Lo and behold, she has a tutorial posted.  Ka-ching!  Thank you Cori!

Sea Pillow WiP
Sea Pillow WiP ready to make into a pillow